2024 Earth Day Call to Investigate Connected Generations

CNN’s fourth annual Call to Earth Day, which takes place on December 4, 2024, will honour the connections between people and cultures and how they can be crucial to protecting our planet. CNN will use its global reach for a day of action to engage in conservation education and increase awareness of environmental challenges by collaborating with organisations, individuals, and schools worldwide.

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The theme for this year will be Connected Generations and how we may apply the knowledge gained from thousands of years of sustainable living practices to our everyday lives. Call to Earth Day will explore how this ancient wisdom can offer answers for a brighter future, from Native American harvesting to Asian herbalism, African cooling methods to Amazonian farming. In addition to writing a letter to their future selves explaining what they value most about their living environment and why it is a part of an amazing planet that deserves protection, students will be encouraged to take part in garbage clean-ups.

With events held in more than 122 countries worldwide, last year’s Call to Earth Day attracted over 226,000 participants. Over 2,600 trees were planted and nearly 4,000 wildlife havens were constructed during the 4,405 hours dedicated to Call to Earth Day activities. Call to Earth Day is a component of Call to Earth, a significant network campaign that CNN started in 2019 in collaboration with Rolex and its Perpetual Planet Initiative. Its goal is to raise awareness of people who are dedicated to protecting our planet for coming generations. This award-winning programming has shared tales of visionaries, changemakers, and innovative projects that have improved the globe during the past five years.

CNN’s coverage plans for the day include meeting people from all around the world who are turning to ancient wisdom to find solutions to some of the most urgent ecological issues facing the planet. Every hour of CNN International programming will feature stories, live programming, and interviews gathered from North and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. In addition, as part of its educational news program, CNN 10 will have a theme week before to Call to Earth Day. On Call to Earth Day, CNN International and CNN en Español will broadcast a special half-hour program titled “Restoring the Andes.” This will showcase the work of Constantino Aucca Chutas, a Peruvian biologist and Rolex Laureate.

Every year, hundreds of indigenous and local communities mobilise under his direction to plant Polylepis trees, which are essential to the Andean water cycle and unique to the high Andes ecology. Thousands of hectares impacted by human activity and climate change have been restored thanks to these initiatives. In his hometown of Cusco, CNN travels back in time to meet Aucca Chutas and introduces him to the local authorities who are essential to the success of his initiative. Every live show on CNN en Español will feature aspects of Llamado a la Tierra. Additionally, CNN’s Gabriela Frias in Querétaro, Mexico, along with the Sierra Gorda Ecological Group and environmentalist and Rolex Laureate Martha Isabel “Pati” Ruiz Corzo, will host a special half-hour show. Live hits from all throughout Latin America will be featured on the show.

Additionally, CNN.com will feature bespoke digital content. In order to give individuals living on the front lines of climate change a voice, the Lost Voices series will travel to various indigenous communities across the globe. These tales, which span from the forests of Kenya to the Scandinavian mountains and the Pacific Ocean, will be combined into a digital interactive that will examine how indigenous cultures, customs, and languages are becoming more and more endangered worldwide and why these ways of life might be able to save the world.Additionally, a dynamic live blog will be available on CNN.com to document the day’s activities in real time and feature social-first narratives about outstanding conservation initiatives worldwide.

Organisations in Nigeria, such as GreenHill Recycling, Susty Vibes, PAKAM Nigeria, Green Hub Africa, Recycle Points Nigeria, and FABE International Foundation, will participate in this year’s Call to Earth Day. A series of live events will also supplement CNN’s multi-platform content, and participants worldwide are urged to use the hashtag #CallToEarth on social media to share their ideas, actions, and motivational thoughts. CNN Arabic will also carry Call to Earth Day material.

“Call to Earth is on track to be our biggest year ever as it continues to engage more people each year,” said Ellana Lee, Global Head of Features Content, CNN International SVP, Managing Editor of Asia Pacific. It’s wonderful to be able to pass along CNN’s extraordinarily potent platform to the thousands of students and individuals who are striving to protect the environment for coming generations.

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