Procurement personnel are trained in E-procurement, PMS, and ECM by the Ministry of Defense.

For its procurement professionals, the Ministry of Defense has arranged a three-day technical course on e-Procurement, Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Performance Management System (PMS), and procurement audit.

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The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Dr. Ibrahim Abubakar Kana mni, announced the start of the seminar and, through the Director of Planning, Research, and Statistics (PRS), Abdulrahman Suleiman, urged the attendees to pay close attention because it will significantly boost the morale and productivity of the employees.

He claims that the seminar’s titles were picked with care to represent the three organizational elements—people, paperwork, and process—that make up the public procurement process as a whole. “The seminar’s title is really appropriate.

The main characteristics of effective public procurement—economy, efficiency, fairness, dependability, and ethical standards—are thoroughly examined in the Ministry of Defence, he stated. The seminar will introduce attendees to best practices in procurement audits and investigations, according to Mr. Otalike Peter Yahaya, the Ag. Director of Procurement, who gave the welcome speech.

He added that the conference would help participants save money and expedite the purchasing process by helping them comprehend the key instruments required to undertake services linked to internal control.

“The Ministry will be able to assess the abilities, capabilities, and general effectiveness of the staff with the aid of the Performance Management System in Procurement,” he said. Additionally, a few Ministry Directors attended the workshop. Henshaw Ogubike, mnpr Director of Public Relations and Information

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