Everything is ready for this year’s “Green Worship 7.0,” a benefit event whose goal is to increase public awareness of and support for children who are impoverished, orphaned, or have special needs.
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Worship for Change, a prominent non-profit organisation in Nigeria, organises the yearly performance, which will take place on October 1, 2024, starting at 5 p.m. at the posh Balmoral Convention Centre (Sheraton Hotel) in Ikeja, Lagos.
Worship4Change’s convener and chief responsibility officer, pastor Wale Adenuga, stated that N100 million is anticipated to be raised through the concert and other associated events. This money will be divided among the following: At a press conference, representatives from the
1. Flora Trust Foundation,
2. Ago Palace Way Gilead Initiatives,
3. Ikorodu Agbedare Jesus Care Foundation,
4. Ibadan Gold Gate Missions, Adamawa
Bethesda School for the Blind
5. Lagos Jesus Orphanage, Port Harcourt
Adenuga urged altruistic people and business organisations to get behind the cause by attending the free concert and making a major donation.

In addition to accepting donations during the benefit performance this year, he said, “we are hoping that this campaign will enable us to raise more tangible support for the children we seek to help.” They are also hosting a 21-day giving event in October.
Over N130 million has been generated and donated by Worship4Change to 40 charitable organisations, directly benefiting thousands of impoverished children in Nigeria.
The previous year’s benefit concert benefited four charities: the Joy in Africa Foundation in Asaba, the Let Cerebral Palsy Kids Learn Foundation in Lagos, the Sechilde Centre in Abuja, and the To Omo Re Centre in Ilorin.
Every charity received N8.25 million. Please visit worship4change.org to obtain your complimentary ticket for Green Worship 7.